
What is a "grievance"?

A grievance is a claim by a grievant that there has been a violation, misapplication or misinterpretation of a provision(s) of the Agreement. Actions to challenge or change the policies of the District as set forth in the rules regulations, and procedures mist be undertaken under separate legal processes.

Where can I find the formal layout of the Grievance Procedure?

You can find an in depth explanation of the Grievance Procedure in Article XX of the Agreement between AMVT and the District. You can find a PDF version of the finalized Agreement here.

Grievance Procedure

[ ] Contract has been researched to determine if there is any contract violation.

[ ] Grievance is timely. That is, can be filed within 20 days of the act or omission giving rise to grievance.

[ ] An Informal Conference held with the administration to attempt resolution within the time limits.

[ ] Formal- Level One: Grievance filed in writing with immediate administrator within the time limits.

[ ] Grievant and Immediate Administrator to meet within five (5) days of receipt of the grievance.

[ ] Immediate Administrator to provide written response to grievance within ten (10) days after receiving the grievance.

[ ] If grievant is not satisfied with written response, or if no written response is received within ten days or five days from the date of the grievance notice, the grievance may be appealed to Level Two, with a copy provided to the Association by the grievant.

[ ] Formal- Level Two: Grievant may appeal if not satisfied with decision at Level One, to the Superintendent/designee within ten (10) days of receipt.

[ ] Written appeal to include copy of original grievance, decision rendered at Level One, and a clear statement of the reason for the appeal.

[ ] Superintendent/designee shall communicate written decision within ten (10) days after receiving the appeal.

[ ] If grievant/or Association is not satisfied with written response, or if no written response is received within ten days from receipt of the Grievance at Level Two, the grievant may request the Association to submit the grievance to arbitration within 20 days of the written response being due.

[ ] Formal - Level Three: If arbitration proceeds, Association shall notify District in writing.

[ ] Within ten (10) days of notification, representatives from District and Association shall attempt to agree upon a mutually acceptable arbitrator and obtain commitment from said arbitrator to serve.

[ ] If no agreement is made, Association shall file a Demand to Arbitrate with the American Arbitration Association.

[ ] The arbitrator's decision shall be in writing and shall set forth the findings of fact, reasoning, and conclusions of the issues submitted.